
Audit / Review Engagement Quotation

    Please fill in the following fields:
    Section A (Please complete the required fields)
    1. Nature of company's activities?
    2. Description of Service Request?
    3. Turnover?
    4. Average sales per month?
    5. Types of Income?
    6. Average purchases & operating expenses per month?
    7. Credit or cash sales?

    8. Computerised account or manual account?

    9. Accounting knowledge of the person handling the bookkeeping?

    10. Number of bank transactions per month?
    11. Number of bank accounts?
    12. What is the functional/underlying currency for sales & purchase?

    13. Are there any stocks?

    [group group-5]

    If yes, how are the stocks tracked?


    14. Are there any foreign currency transactions?

    15. Company status?

    [group group-1]

    Other status:


    Section B (*skip this section if audit is not required)
    16. Reason for audit requirement?

    [group group-2]

    Other reasons:


    Section C
    17. Is this the first year-end audit/review engagement?

    [group group-4]

    If it’s not the first year-end, were the previous year’s accounts audited?


    18. Do you have existing auditors?

    [group group-3]

    If yes, reason for seeking quotation (optional)


    Section D
    To enable us to give you a more accurate quote for the service you require,
    kindly furnish the following documents/information:

    • Copy of previous year’s audited / review accounts
    • Copy of current year’s trial balance, balance sheet, profit & loss account
    • Company profile from ACRA
    • Also indicate if you have any of the following assets and/or liabilities:
      • Investment properties?
      • Investments in groups & associates?
      • Plant & equipment?
      • Inventories?
      • Long-term and short-term investments?
      • Related party transactions & balances?
      • Construction service contracts?
      • Long-term loans?
      • Bank borrowings?
      • Hire purchase creditors?
      • Going concern issues?
      • Any provisions such as warranties, income tax liabilities, future litigation fees, etc.?

    19. If there are any comments and/or information, please indicate below:
    20. Contact Info:

    Your One Stop For Corporate Service Solutions